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Body Kindness®: Transform Your Health and Never Say 'Diet' Again

May 23, 2019

Burnout is the stress resilience book I’m recommending to friends and clients from now on. This two-part podcast series with Emily and Amelia Nagoski will explain why. We all have stress, but we aren’t all completing the stress cycle, which can have real health consequences. Learn about “human giver syndrome”...

May 13, 2019

How would it feel to get an extra one to two hours of sleep per night? If the thought of that sounds absolutely amazing then you're like most people who don't get enough sleep. (side effects include daytime feelings of being drunk! fatigue! irritability!)

Get our real life complaints and realistic advice for mindset and...

May 1, 2019

In this two-part episode, fellow anti-diet mom Virginia Sole-Smith and I discuss the ways in which culture sabotages parents, especially moms, by upholding unhelpful beliefs about food and weight. Virginia shares her rock bottom moment of what it took to finally give her daughter chocolate milk and why she had...